15 Signs You’re Aging Like Fine Wine and Living Your Best Life
Staying healthy is vital regardless of your age. However, older adults are more likely to think about their age and health, and for valid reasons. But how do you know that you are doing what’s necessary to maintain longevity and cognitive health, and which changes should you make? Let’s see what signs point out to aging well.
You talk to friends and family regularly
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine report uncovered that one-fourth of seniors feel lonely. Strong social connections help you live a happier, more fulfilled life. Many studies have proved that having a group of family and friends can support your mental health and longevity.
You are into physical activities
Staying physical promotes healthier bones and a sharper mind and reduces risks of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Activities should be enjoyable because if they bore you, you will drop them, claims Vanderbilt University Medical Center geriatrician James Powers, M.D.
You get enough proper sleep
Insomnia increases with age, and it has been linked to obesity, diabetes, depression, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Sleeping at least seven hours is a must, and if you’re struggling, you should see your doctor. During sleep, the body gets rid of toxins from your brain, so get into a routine and let your body and mind rest.
You are glass a full kind of person
Studies show that optimism promotes longevity. Geriatrician John A. Batsis told AARP that many people in their 80s feel young because of their optimism and sense of purpose. People should not see their age in a negative light because that’s only going to bring them down. Instead, embrace it and encourage yourself to do things that you love.
You train your brain
Your cognitive abilities do not have to slow down rapidly just because you have reached a certain age. If learning new things and challenging your mind are part of your routine, you’re aging admirably. You can start playing an instrument, learning a new language, traveling, doing puzzles, and keeping those grey cells working.
You are taking care of yourself
If you go to regular checkups and aim for a healthy lifestyle while rejecting unhealthy choices, you are on a path to longevity. If you are not a great planner, try training yourself to prioritize your needs. Make a list, organize and prioritize your obligations, and break goals into mini ones so you don’t feel overwhelmed.
You talk to your GP
Talking to your doctor about your condition and learning about it can be helpful. More importantly, telling your GP or any specialist how a particular medication makes you feel can be lifesaving. Many pills “stop” working after a while, and if you notice some changes, you should mention this to healthcare professionals. You might need a new one, or none at all.
You have plans
Some people do not want to think about the future at all because it scares them. However, accepting your mortality could help you plan your future accordingly. This does not mean you should be obsessed with what’s to come, but it is okay to tell your family and friends about your preferences in specific situations, like dementia. It is a way to ensure you will be heard if or when the time comes.
You know how to deal with change
Aging comes with joyful and sad moments, so if you are resilient and adaptable, you will get the most out of joyous moments and overcome grief on unfortunate days. Changes are inevitable, and the more you focus on what you have instead of what you lost, your life will be filled with opportunities instead of problems.
Your diet is nutritious
Many doctors agree that the Mediterranean diet is the best choice for seniors. Another healthy option is the DASH diet. Replacing red meat and simple carbohydrates with lean proteins, fresh veggies, and fruits and exercising can reduce the risks of certain diseases and make your body stronger and your mind sharper.
You know what you need
People are not speaking up about their needs, partly because of ageism, as we live in a youth-obsessed world. But if you know how to speak for yourself and tell your friends you need company or feel down, you are doing yourself a huge favor. Instead of suffering, you are choosing to be your best friend, and that’s what expressing your needs is all about.
You replaced alcohol with water
As we age, our alcohol tolerance decreases, and this is particularly important if you are taking any medications. Drink plenty of water instead, and treat yourself with freshly squeezed juices to improve digestion, better absorb nutrients from foods, and eliminate unused waste.