Preparing For A Baby Checklist

Preparing For A Baby Checklist: Things You Need To Know

Most first-time moms feel confused when it comes to preparing a baby registry checklist. Preparedness is cooler than being confused about buying your baby’s needs. A little research on whether the baby essentials are good for your baby won’t do any harm.

You don’t want to waste money on unnecessary baby stuff. This article will give you some input on preparing a baby checklist and things you should know to make your life easier. Let’s figure out what you really need for your unborn baby from our baby registry checklist listed below.

Preparing For A Baby Checklist: What the Baby Will Need at the Hospital

  • An infant outfit
  • A receiving blanket
  • Diapers and wipes(some hospitals provide an initial supply of these)
  • An infant car seat
  • A backpack diaper bag

If you are wondering what is the best place to register your baby? Amazon, Walmart, and Babylist are the ones our experts recommend. 


Baby Essentials:

Suggested items are for each stage: 0 to 3 months, 3 to 6 months, 6 to 9 months, and 9 to 12 months.

  • Pajamas (3 to 6 per stage)
  • Shirts (3 to 6 per stage)
  • Soft tops and bottoms for daytime (4 to 6 per stage)
  • Cotton hats 1 to 2 for stage one (birth to 3 months)
  • Socks and Booties (3 to 6 pairs per stage)
  • Sleep sack (1 needed)

For winter months, depending on the climate:

  • Sweaters (2 to 3)
  • Mittens and Snowsuit
  • Warm hat

For summer months:

  • Bathing suit
  • Baby sunglasses
  • Sun hat


Baby Essentials:

  • Highchair or booster seat
  • Bowls (3 to 5)
  • Baby food (stage 1 at about 5 months, stage 2 at about 6 months, and stage 3 starting about 7 to 9 months or you can make your own from the beginning)
  • Baby spoons (3 to 5)
  • Plastic baby bowls (4 to 6)
  • Bibs (3 to 5)
  • Sippy cups (starting at about 8 to 10 months, 4 to 6 needed)


Baby Essentials:

  • Baby monitor
  • Changing table
  • Crib with fitted crib sheets
  • Waterproof crib mattress
  • Storage for baby clothes and gear (closet, dresser, or armoire)
  • Receiving blankets
  • Colorful mobile


Baby Essentials:

Baby Gear

Baby Essentials:

  • Infant swing
  • Rear-facing infant car seat
  • Stroller
  • Moby wrap, sling, or baby Bjorn
  • Infant bouncy seat
  • Soft toys for baby to focus on, listen to, watch and feel


Baby Essentials:


Baby Essentials:

  • Baby shampoo
  • Baby bathtub
  • Washcloths (2 to 4)
  • Hooded towels
  • Bath toys (from about 3 months on)

Health and General Care

Baby Essentials:

  • First-aid kit
  • Thermometer
  • Bulb syringe
  • Baby lotion
  • Teething toys
  • Baby nail scissors or clippers

Nursing Moms

Mom Essentials:

  • Nursing pillow
  • Breast pads
  • Lanolin cream
  • Cloth diapers or burp cloths
  • Breast pump
  • Bottles (2 to 3 for serving pumped milk)


  • Bottle Warmer
  • A good mug/cup to fill each time you feed the baby
  • A good book
  • A song, or poetry to read to the baby
  • A nice comfy footstool to put your feet up
  • Lots of frozen meals in the freezer for the first 6-8 weeks

Baby Registry Checklist

Preparing a Baby Registry Checklist: Products you don’t need to buy right away

Breast pump: You can get them from the hospital, and you can decide later which one suits you.

Moby wrap: Too complicated to tie.

Burp clothes: Although you can buy some of them, buying too many is a waste of money.

Too many clothes: Babies outgrow them so quickly. There’s literally a race on to make them wear as many new clothes as possible so that you get at least some mileage out of them.

Too many bath/body products: Don’t buy too many baby bath/ body products. They are a waste of money.

Changing table: If you can’t afford it or don’t have space for a changing table, a blanket on the floor works just fine.

Baby bathtub: Instead of a baby bathtub, which is large and cumbersome, just fill your bathtub with 1/2 inch or one inch of water.

Some of the baby-proofing stuff: You can go overboard in baby-proofing your house. Sometimes just saying “no” does work.

Finally, don’t start freaking out seeing a long list of must-haves. You can use this baby registry checklist to make a customized checklist of items you want for your registry. Feel free to let us know if you want to add something to this baby registry checklist.

Things new parents should know while preparing a baby checklist

Pregnancy is a very special time for a parent. If you are a first-time parent, it will bring about some of the big changes in your life. The changes could range from money to sleep and even sex. So how can you prepare yourself when you are having a baby?

The answer is: Nothing can prepare you enough for parenthood. But there are some basic rules you can follow to make the journey a little smoother. These 10 tips will help you along the way.

Track Your Expenses

It is difficult to track how much money you will spend on your child. Although someone can use the baby cost calculator, it really depends on the person raising the child. Whether or not you plan to use hand-me-down items, breastfeed, coupons and bargain shops can make a huge difference in how much money you spend.

Get Regular Prenatal Checkups

If you’re thinking about having a baby, you need to look at your options early. Check out what’s available in your area. Make sure you have covered every base a few months before the beginning of your pregnancy. Ask your doctor about:

  • Tests you need
  • Prenatal vitamin items
  • How to manage any health conditions you have
  • Medicines you can and can’t take during pregnancy

If you have any questions, call your doctor. During your first checkup, write down any questions you have for your doctor because you tend to forget the things you want to ask once you’re there. Don’t post online for help. Only a qualified professional should be giving you advice.

Focus on Healthy Eating

Focus on eating nutrient-dense and healthy foods during this period. You’ll need lots of protein, iron, magnesium, and potassium. Cut back on unpasteurized milk, cheese, caffeine, alcohol, and other processed junk foods low in nutrients. Prepare and stock some healthy meals during pregnancy, because standing in a kitchen and cooking will be a challenge after returning from the hospital. Ask your partner to join you to make it easier.

Clean Your Home

Schedule a deep clean with a professional cleaning service before the arrival of the baby. You will feel great to come home from the hospital to a super clean house. You can usually clean everything every few weeks and tidy around in between. If it involves moving stuff, leave it for your husband. 

Be Fit During Your Pregnancy

We all gain weight differently throughout pregnancy. Stick to a fitness plan from the beginning of your pregnancy, and you’ll be rewarded with a healthy body that’s fit for pregnancy.

A healthy exercise program should include 30 minutes or more of moderate exercises, such as walking on most days of the week. Pre-natal yoga is also wonderful during pregnancy. Just make sure to do your research to find out if you need any modifications. It will make you feel great, and full of energy, and help you sleep better. It also helps reduce back pain from the labor.

Read Books About Having a Baby

It is worth reading a few pregnancy and parenting books about the initial stages of raising a child. Three are a couple of other important things, for example, breastfeeding and managing sleep. You can also watch some infant CPR classes on YouTube.  By doing so, you will be more prepared for what awaits you.

Buy Everything You Need Beforehand

Make a list of baby supplies and start looking now. Don’t just buy expensive toys for your baby, old boxes, spoons, egg cartons, and books would be fine. As far as equipment for the baby is concerned, most of it can be acquired free or very cheap from Relatives, Friends, Freecycle, eBay, and Jumble sales. Save the money for things you find you really do need!

Involve The Dad

Being organized is essential. Let the dad handle some chores from the beginning of pregnancy. Plan on doing nothing for the first month except take care of the baby and rest. Babies can be very demanding, allow yourself time to get used to it!

Manage Your Expectations

Your newborn baby is new at being a baby, just like you’re new at being a parent. They don’t pop out of a womb with a list of expectations. Don’t beat yourself up and expect too much out of yourself. You just have to give your all and ask for help when you need it.

Early motherhood can be very difficult with all of those hormones! Before taking any antidepressants or medications, talk to your doctor. Get out as often as possible, meet new moms, sign up for any class you can find, and keep going!

Learn Important Things Before Having a Baby

The Internet is the new grandparent, the new neighbor, the new nanny. It is an increasingly important source of information for expecting and new parents. Although it’s best to approach all that virtual advice with some degree of skepticism.

Here are some scientifically tested ways to prepare expectant parents for having a baby:

  • Better prenatal education
  • A willingness by expecting parents to discuss their experiences with older parents.
  • Credible online resources to share experiences of early parenthood.

The Bottom Line

The first three months are the hardest. It’s just not possible to prepare yourself for such a life-changing event. Best to just go with the flow and try to keep your sense of humor!

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