How To Lose The Baby Weight Fast and Safely

How To Lose The Baby Weight Fast and Safely

Pregnancy is an exciting time in a woman’s life. But for many women, this exciting time can turn into a real dilemma due to pregnancy weight gain. But what strategies can help you lose the baby weight safely?

To lose the baby weight, you have to overcome mental and emotional fatigue first. Don’t expect a quick fix. A go-slow strategy is best because you need to give your body time to recover from childbirth.

Why is it important to lose baby weight?

It’s especially important for you and your next pregnancy. Professor Lucilla Poston, director of maternal and fetal research at King’s College London, said overweight women are more vulnerable to almost every complication in the book compared to women with healthy weight.

Complications as a result of being overweight or obese could include:

• High blood pressure and pre-eclampsia

• Gestational diabetes

• Painful labor

• An emergency cesarean section

Even if you don’t plan to have another baby, losing pregnancy weight has lots of benefits. It’ll help you avoid certain health problems and cut your risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. Here are some tips to help you lose the baby weight safely.

Be Realistic

Pregnancy totally changes your self-perception and image. There is no way around it. So, don’t be so hard on yourself. Despite so many celebrity post-baby slim stories in various women’s magazines, losing the baby weight will take you some time. It took you around nine months to gain the weight. It will take at least that long to lose it.

Don’t Crash Diet

Crash Diet is a quick fix for a long-term problem that doesn’t work. Research suggests that a crash diet gives new moms unrealistic expectations that they can never live up to. Even doctors have warned about depending on crash diets immediately after pregnancy.

Instead of a crash diet, just do something that will help you keep track of what you’re eating. There are lots of free websites for that. Quite often, we eat something we don’t realize has a lot of calories in it, or we’re eating more than we realize. Tracking helps.


Breastfeed if possible! It takes a lot of calories to provide milk, so if you’re able to do it, it’s one of the easiest ways to lose baby weight.

Breastfeeding can also help you lose your pregnancy weight without compromising either your health or your baby’s by dieting. And you naturally burn calories to make breast milk every time you nurse.

Choose Healthy Foods

You need to eat healthy foods that are heavy in nutrients and light in calories and fat. And takes at least five times as long to prepare a meal as you take to eat it. This theory will rule out snacks and junk food and make you think about what you are eating. It also makes eating more pleasurable, instead of just filling up.

Start Exercising

As a new mom, it’s hard to find time to exercise. Being a stay-at-home mom also doesn’t mean you have free time. Taking care of a baby is a job, no question.

How To Lose The Baby Weight Fast and Safely

You can initially start with simple exercises such as walking with the baby in the pram or in a sling. It’s good for your mood and confidence, and it will help with your weight as well. Just remember to be patient.

Drink Enough Water

Drink plenty of water and always reach for water if you think you are hungry. It reduces your appetite and increases weight loss. It also helps your brain to keep focused on working towards your weight-loss goals.

Get Enough Sleep

Most new moms struggle with quality sleep. The lack of quality sleep can contribute to your weight gain by making you susceptible to stress eating. Include sleep strategies to get enough sleep on a regular basis.

Find a Support Group

Try to find a support group. Go on a walk with other new moms for around 10-20 min each day. You can also meet with friends sometimes to walk and chat. You’ll feel better being around others.

Ask for Help

Ask for help whenever you need it. Let someone watch the baby sometimes so you can work out at the gym. If needed, ask for help with a healthy eating cycle and exercise routine.

Don’t Put Pressure on Yourself

Don’t give yourself a hard time to lose the baby weight. Sometimes, it can be worse than losing the baby weight itself. After you have the baby, you should focus on letting your body recover from pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Getting fit is a good choice, but not at the cost of keeping you stressed and in pain.

How To Lose The Baby Weight Fast and Safely

Being healthy should be your goal, not the actual weight loss. Even if you can’t follow all the above guidelines, just eat right and exercise. Take the rest of the time to be with your little bundle of joy.

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